Monday, August 31, 2009

Prison Again

Augest 13, 1943

Well Im back. Let me fill you in on everything that happened since we were arrested. After we opened the door for the "man in need" German soldiers stormed in gathering all of us in one room to be interrogated. One soldier went upstairs to get Corrie, and you could here her cry from downstairs as she was beaten for imformation. The soldiers waited for more workers of the underground to show up and arrest them too. Some of them though, really where just here for a watch repair, and instead were arrested and wound up here in the Amsterdam prison. Pretty unlucky for them wouldn't you say. After being arrested we were lead to the police station where we were accounted for and registered, and then we were loaded onto a truck that Opa clearly had problems getting onto, and shipped of here. It's great to be back wouldn't you say. And being a second time prisoner they gave me access to a computer. Yeah! Special Me! Anyway I have to go my time with the computer is up.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Augest, 12 1943

We might just get away with this. It is really unlikely, especially now that we know that the police station knows about us. Yet there still is a chance. Ever since the first month after we learned about the police station's knowledge of us we where shure we would get caught any day. The day has not come and we thank god for that on this wonderfull Wednseday. Unfortunately though Tante Corrie has been sick which puts a little extra pressure on us to do her jobs to, but it is manageable. Somebody did come by the other day asking for money to save his wife. It is strange but we have no choice but to help. Oh the man is here now let me go and answer the door, oh wait Betsie is getting the money. No I got 2 go.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Going Great

July 1942

Whillem has started a prayer service group on Wensday to help hide everything that is going on at the beje. The beje really looks like Opa is letting his pastor son let dozens of people into his home for a simple prayer meeting. This won't last forever, we are bound to end up in prison again, but what can we do. Tabe Corrie has seven Jews staying there and more passing through all the time. It just won't end. At least the beje is once again filled with life. Their has't been this many people here since I was a child. How long this will last is beyond me. Sorry I have to go Whillem is starting his service.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jail Time

July 1942

With all the excitement I haven't had time to write about my events at the church. Just a few months ago I was arrested by the Gestapo for playing the Willhenth at the end of a mass. Tante Corrie was so mad with me but everyone else thought I was a hero! Which is nice. At first people were reluctant to sing but more and more people joined in as the song went on. Eventually I ended up spending about a six months in that awful place these Nazis call a prison. I came out pailler then I knew was possible. With this I know I will work harder than ever do to everything I can to save the jews. Now I have to go and get my train.


June 5, 1942

Over the last couple weeks Kik and I have been haulling construction materials up to Tante Corrie's room. We disguise these things as milk for paint, bricks in a grandfather clock frame, and tools wraped in newspaper. We are supposed to have it done soon, but people are worried that all the excitement will attract unescasary attention, and get us all arrested, but we need this hiding spot so the Jews have a chance. If we don't have a place to hide the jews then we will not be allowed to use this place to hide and transport Jews. Sorry, I have to go and deliver some supplies.

Hiding Place

May 25, 1942

Because of Tante Corries recent new interest in the underground we have decided to make a hiding place for her to hide the Jews while they are going through the system. Mr. Smit has come and searched the house for a good spot for the Jews to hide in an emergency, and he loved doing so. He was shocked that the house was so perfect for a hiding place. Mr. Smit decided to make the room in Tante Corrie's bedroom because it is so high up in the house. He is going to construct it in the back wall and make it out of bricks. We are know working out a warning system. Right now we just have an Alphina watch sign to warn people when someone is in the house, but we are working on a buzzer system, and are running trials to make sure all the Jews are hidden before they can be discovered. Sorry I have to go and help run the tests. Maybe I'll get a chance to right later.

Monday, August 24, 2009


April 12, 1940

I have decided to join the underground. Whillem and Pickwick have developed an efficient system to hide Jews in the country the only real problem is that some people will not hide Jews wihtout ration cards. They want one to come with the Jew and then extras for their luxery. Its sick! People should be hiding Jews becaouse they want to keep the Germans from killing them, but they just want a little comfort. Just look at Pickwick he is going to give us away if doesnt lose some weight, he is on ration cards not luxury cards. Sorry got to go ride home before it gets to late.


March 3, 1940

The Germans have not held their promise to leave Holland neutral. We knew that there was a good chance of this, and the queen had a small army but it was no match for the German tanks. We fell within the week, and now tanks are rolling through the streets, and the German Swastika is everywhere. The worst part off all this is that out Queen has fled England and hopes to return when the fighting is over, like their is going to be anything to return to.

The Germans have already closed shops owned by Jews. Vandalised the synagouge, and have already taken away the rabbi to God knows where. Their has to be something we can do. Whillem at least is sending Jews to hiding areas in the country where they will be safe, and keeping his elderly. Being a nursing home this isn't to weird and the Germans probably won't take them anyway. Why would they take elderly Jews who are in their last years. It makes no sense why they hate them so much! The worst thing though is that they denied our right to sing or play the Willhemith. I have to give it to them they are pretty good of striping somepody of all their pride, and sense of belonging. I have to go it looks like thoose Nazis are at it again.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Pre War

Febuary 13,1930

Hello Peter again. You can feel the tension in the air as the major powers prepare for another major war. Our gueen again is trying remain neutrale, but I would fight for my country if I was old enough. I would not let people run in and take over. This is our home we should fight for it. My friends agree with me and wish we could join the army now but our parent wont let us, out of fear. Many feel this way but few feel the courage to fight. Although we have this pride in country everyone knows that we will fall if an invasion arouses. I have to go practice for my concert at the church. I'll write later.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Peter-Piano life

March 13, 1933

Hello my name is Peter. I have decided to start wrighting about myself because let's face it, the world needs to know how a great musician lived his life. I have decided to take this casually, and will probably end up forgetting about it. Anyway I am a gifted pianist who learned how to distinguish notes by sound at the age of eight. I have played for my church community several times after beating older men for the spot. I am now known all over holland for my skills.